
The Business of Charity: Event Highlights


The Bareknuckle team has been randomly shouting Success! over the last few days. Why? Because we can’t get over how AWESOME Brewing Up Business: Drink and Learn Stuff turned out on Wednesday. Who knew the business of charity would be such a hot topic? (👋 We did)

Business Row was poppin’ with new participants like Envirolution, The Generator, Clean Up the Cayes, Tahoe Fund, and Rowdy Prebiotic Foods. We’re incredibly thankful to all of our Business Row participants for putting together some awesome charity raffle prizes. Congratulations to the winners — and here’s your subtle reminder to not bail on your charity opportunity!

Also, we’d like to take a second to remind everyone that raffle winner Kit Carson will have his name on the Incline to Sand Harbor Bike Path donor wall. Thank you, raffle gods.

Cathexes exploded with 80 whole, real-life guests, which is the most attendance for these events so far. High five, Cathexes for hosting our event 4 times in a row! And another high five to Battle Born Beer for donating the brewskis for this event. And yet another high five to Frank from Digiman Studios for snapping the only legitimate photo of the evening (see above). Side note: we’re also participating in way more high-fives after listening to panelist Roy Tuscany’s amazing stories.


Our Favorite Business of Charity Panelist Insights

business of charity

We kid, we kid.


OK, we fully warned you this event would make you laugh, cry, and feel inspired to make some damn change around here. We attribute all the feels to the panelists, who brought their A-game and then some. Thanks again to Sarah Carmona Zink, Roy Tuscany, and Michael Tragash for their wealth of wisdom.

Here are a few of our favorite insights, paraphrased by yours truly:


  • Connection Goes Further Than Cheques (yes, cheque, you barbarians) –  While each panelist was clear about how money makes their missions possible, they also spoke about the priceless impact of personal connection and community. From showing donors exactly where their money is going, to taking over model homes to create memorable connection opportunities, meaningful connection can drive miracles.


  • Bold Moves Benefit Everyone – Making people care about your cause can be an uphill battle. Plus, people are desensitized to broad-stroke, traditional awareness fundraising tactics. There’s simply too much to give to! Stand out by embodying the severity of your need through bold action (i.e. be a badass). Get donors’ logos tattooed on your physical body. Call up the president of a hospital to work out a deal for a patient. Get strippers involved. When dedication meets courage, there’s nothing you can’t do.


  • It’s Not All Hallmark Moments and Rainbows – Running a nonprofit certainly has its ups and downs. You won’t always raise the money you need. Recipients won’t always be grateful. And some days you could find yourself wondering why the heck you got into this field in the first place. In those icky times, our panelists remind us to return to your core mission, and find ways to lift yourself up just like you do for your community. Also, a good sense of humor helps.


Thanks again to everyone who made Drink and Learn Stuff Presents: The Business of Charity possible. Until next quarter!